Needless to say, scratch one pirate ship. There is even a confirmed case of a jetpack-equipped ScorpionMech being used to rip a pirate raider's ship to pieces during an attempted boarding action.

The thought of an orbital insertion of these lethal machines is terrifying, but not beyond reason. This app works best with JavaScript enabled.
#Kickstarter pledge manager software
Though they usually make their way overland to the target, there are rumors of ScorpionMechs deploying from orbit with bolted-on belly packs containing fuel and maneuvering thrusters. Crowd Ox is pledge manager software that lets Kickstarter and Indiegogo project creators send surveys that increase funding and verify backer orders. Kickstarter / Pledge Manager / Refunds / Replacements. (Pre-production 28mm ScorpionMech sample shown with additional Viper Suit weaponry. Using a variety of modular payloads, the ScorpionMech can tailor its weapons suite to the mission, whether it be cold, quiet up-close killing, napalm and gatling cascades at ballistic distances, or missiles beyond the horizon. These scuttling terrors can chop enemy armors in half in close quarters or pound them to pieces from a distance. Anyone needing extra time due to natural disasters (or other circumstances beyond their control), please just let us know via e-mail to ks5. AntiMatter Games will then email the backer to work out the list of items and finalize shipping costs (if needed) using USPS calculations. You send them in when you want the enemy base and any feeble defenders protecting it razed to the ground. Click on the topics below for answers to common questions, or click here to go to the Pledge Manager The Pledge Manager will close on Sunday, October 8th at 9PM ET. Pledges and pledge adjustments are is made via paypal by pressing the Pledge button below and paying the amount needed to pay for the pledge adjustment or Late Pledge from below. Except for the Kickstarter Deadline as published on our Kickstarter Campaign page, and the Pledge Manager Deadline as will be communicated to you later (see clause 7.5), any performance timescales set out in these Terms, published on our Kickstarter or Pledge Manager Campaign pages, or communicated to you otherwise, are estimates only and not. Eerie in the contrast of their lethal size and silent movement, ScorpionMechs are deployed on the orbital and planetside battlefield when no quarter is to be given to the enemy, and none expected.